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面向对象技术高级课程 (The Advanced Object-Oriented Technology) (Coursera)


Object-Oriented JavaScript (Udacity)

Self Paced
Object-Oriented JavaScript (Udacity)
Free Course
Build Apps with Maintainable Code. This course is designed to teach web developers how to utilize the various object-oriented programming features within JavaScript. Object-oriented programming allows developers to build applications with reusable and maintainable blocks of code, which leads to efficiency and simplified software [...]

AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structures (edX)

This course is archived
AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structures (edX)
Course Auditing
AP Computer Science A from Purdue University. This computer science course covers advanced OOP strategies, including polymorphism, abstract classes, super keyword, exceptions, generics, sorting and searching algorithms. This course is for anyone interested in taking a first-level computer-programming course, particularly those who attend a school that does not provide [...]

AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Loops and Data Structures (edX)

No sessions available
AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Loops and Data Structures (edX)
Course Auditing
AP Computer Science A from Purdue University. In this computer science course, you will learn the basics of programming in the Java language, and cover topics relevant to the AP Computer Science A course and exam. This course will cover repetition statements (for, while, do-while and for-each), the array [...]

Java Coding & Concepts with a Game (Oracle MOOC)

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Java Coding & Concepts with a Game (Oracle MOOC)
Free Course
This course utilizes a game-based learning methodology to build your understanding of key Java programming concepts and prepare you to think through coding challenges in ways that more-passive forms of learning simply can't.

Paradigms of Computer Programming - Fundamentals (edX)

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Paradigms of Computer Programming - Fundamentals (edX)
Course Auditing
This course covers functional, object-oriented, and declarative dataflow programming in a unified framework, with practical code fragments and a simple semantics.

Introduction to Computer Science II (saylor.org)

This course is a continuation of the first-semester course titled CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I. It will introduce you to a number of more advanced Computer Science topics, laying a strong foundation for future academic study in the discipline. We will begin with a comparison between Java—the programming [...]

Introduction to Computer Science I (saylor.org)

This course will touch upon a variety of fundamental topics within the field of Computer Science and will use Java, a high-level, portable, and well-constructed computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle), to demonstrate those principles.

Software Engineering (saylor.org)

Self Paced
Software Engineering (saylor.org)
Free Course
Software engineering is a discipline that allows us to apply engineering and computer science concepts in the development and maintenance of reliable, usable, and dependable software.