Effective Communication

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Faster Together, Enhancing the Recruitment of Minorities in Clinical Trials (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Faster Together, Enhancing the Recruitment of Minorities in Clinical Trials (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course aims to teach people how to enhance the recruitment of racial and ethnic minorities in clinical trials. Key topics include the importance of diversity in clinical trials, barriers and facilitators to participation in clinical research, community engagement, effective communication, educating about clinical trials, provider outreach, effective [...]

Inglés Empresarial: el márketing y ventas (Coursera)

If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English. In this course, you will learn to use English more efficiently while joining successful global professionals [...]

Creating a Healthy Culture: Addressing Workplace Bullying (Coursera)

This course is designed for intermediate learners aiming to create a healthier work environment in their organizations. Throughout a series of engaging lessons, the course thoroughly explores the issue of workplace bullying and harassment. Learners will explore the consequences of workplace misconduct, learn strategies to combat it, and discover [...]

Industrial Relations: Fostering Workplace Climate (Coursera)

Industrial Relations have evolved into a blend of legal frameworks, principles, and behaviors aimed at fostering a positive workplace climate. This course equips leaders and managers with the skills and knowledge necessary to create and support a workplace culture that emphasizes employee rights, effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution. [...]

Professional Selling: Step 1 - Think Like a High-Performer (Coursera)

Foundational Skills and Knowledge Required of High Performing Salespeople. This course takes the mystery out of sales and the sales process. Learners will gain a clear understanding of the sales process and the fundamental skills required to build lasting, long-term, trusting relationships with customers. [...]

Leading and Developing Top Talent (Coursera)

This course offers seasoned and up-and-coming leaders a clear, concise overview of hiring for team culture, the concepts and practices of building a productive environment for remote and hybrid teams, and leading organizational strategies, which begins with developing a strategic plan, creating SMART goals, and determining the most critical [...]

Leading Through Effective Communication (Coursera)

Do you struggle to influence your team’s chances of success? Learn effective communication and leadership skills from this Leading Through Effective Communication course!

Habilidades de negociación y comunicación efectiva (Coursera)

Negociamos desde que inicia el día, a través de todas nuestras interacciones, ya sean laborales, sociales o familiares. Pero te has preguntado ¿Qué tan eficientemente negocias y si lo podrías hacer mejor? Esta es una gran oportunidad para que pongas en práctica y de manera inmediata los conocimientos adquiridos [...]

Comunicación efectiva para el líder actual (Coursera)

La comunicación interpersonal es una de las habilidades profesionales y gerenciales más importantes: todos los días nos relacionamos con superiores, colaboradores, clientes y colegas. Ser un buen comunicador es sinónimo de ser buen líder. Este curso en línea de comunicación interpersonal y grupal ayuda a crear mejores ambientes laborales [...]

Vozes da Mudança Social (Coursera)

Em tempos de instabilidade política, desequilíbrio ambiental e desigualdade social, jovens agentes de mudanças sociais estão liderando o caminho para solucionar os desafios da atualidade. O que você está fazendo para gerar mudanças positivas e sustentáveis? O programa Vozes da Mudança Social é um curso on-line, gratuito e de [...]