Circular Fashion Management - Building Sustainable Value Chains Professional Certificate

What you will learn:
- Identify key environmental challenges and learn how to build sustainability claims in the fashion industry.
- Define circularity, recognize responsible innovation, and examples of circularity in fashion.
- Implement eco-design principles, explore advanced traceability technologies, and evaluate value chain traceability and transparency for environmental and social impact.
-Align circular fashion actions with circular business models and circularity KPIs.
-Evaluate opportunities, challenges, and trade-offs in circularity adoption.
-Explore solutions for circular fashion trade-offs, including sustainable sourcing and consumer engagement.

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Circular Fashion Business Models (edX)

Discover the variety of circular fashion business models and learn how to measure circularity. Explore opportunities for sustainable materials sourcing and different ways to transform your value chain towards circularity.

Responsible Innovation and Circular Fashion (edX)

Deep dive into the opportunities and challenges of responsible innovation, sustainability and circularity in fashion. Implement eco-design principles to reshape fashion business models towards circularity. Responsible Innovation and Circular Fashion course provides a theoretical understanding of core concepts surrounding sustainability and circularity within the fashion industry. You will gain [...]