Franck Verschuren

Franck Verschuren is a specialist in internal medicine and emergency medicine, clinical professor at the Emergency Department of the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels, lecturer at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium.
He participates in the teaching of respiratory physiology and pathophysiology for 2nd year medical students. He undertook in 2005 his doctoral thesis in the field of CO2 measurement (capnography) in patients with pulmonary embolism. He has published numerous articles on respiration in prestigious medical journals, and collaborates with European teams for the development of clinical research in the field of pulmonary embolism. It is trained in medical hypnosis that he practices daily with patients from the Emergency Department.

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Comprendre la respiration (edX)

Approfondissez votre connaissance de la respiration, des poumons, de l’oxygène et du CO2, en compagnie d’étudiants et d’experts en médecine. Pourquoi respirons-nous ? A quoi servent nos poumons ? Quel est le lien entre l’oxygène et la vie ? Ces questions ouvrent un vaste champ de découvertes et de [...]

Respiration in the Human Body (edX)

Learn about respiration and the function of the lungs, oxygen and CO₂ in the body from medical experts. How do we breathe? What is the purpose of our lungs? What is the link between oxygen and life ? These questions open a vast field of discovery to help us [...]