Planning Your Scientific Journey (iBiology)

Planning Your Scientific Journey (iBiology)
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Planning Your Scientific Journey (iBiology)
This course will equip you with concrete tools and practical advice to navigate the most challenging aspects of developing and planning a research project. Our innovative curriculum is unlike any other online science course. Instruction is led by a diverse group of leading scientists, such as Nobel Laureates, accomplished faculty, and junior scientists, who think deeply about mentorship and scientific training.

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Being successful as a science graduate student or postdoc involves more than acquiring knowledge, reading the literature, and doing experiments. It also requires important skills in picking a good question, planning a strategy to answer the question, seeking advice, and communicating your results. Unfortunately, many of these skills are not formally taught in universities, and you have to learn them “on the job.” At iBiology, we thought that it is important to address all of these topics in a series of courses which we will roll out sequentially. The first course, “Planning Your Scientific Journey,” addresses how to ask a scientific question and plan your research project. It is aimed primarily at biology graduate and undergraduate students but is also useful for postdocs, staff scientists, faculty, and anyone else who could benefit from reviewing these topics.

By the end of the course, you will have:

1. Criteria to evaluate a research question.

2. A plan for how to approach your scientific question and other research goals.

3. An agenda for a meeting with your mentor to get feedback on your plan.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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