Nanotechnology: The Basics (Coursera)

Nanotechnology: The Basics (Coursera)
Free Course
We expect a working knowledge of freshman chemistry and physics, as well as algebra. Access to a spreadsheet program would also be of value.
Nanotechnology: The Basics (Coursera)
Nanotechnology is an emerging area that engages almost every technical discipline – from chemistry to computer science – in the study and application of extremely tiny materials. This short course allows any technically savvy person to go one layer beyond the surface of this broad topic to see the real substance behind the very small.

Nanotechnology is an exciting research area that spans disciplines from electrical engineering to biology. Over the last two decades the basic science of this area has launched new technologies, the first examples of which are finding their way into commercial products. This eight lecture course will provide students with a birds eye view into this fast moving area and leave students with an appreciation of the importance and foundation of super small materials and devices.

Free Course
We expect a working knowledge of freshman chemistry and physics, as well as algebra. Access to a spreadsheet program would also be of value.