Logic Pro X Drummer for Music Production (Skillshare)

Logic Pro X Drummer for Music Production (Skillshare)
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Logic Pro X Drummer for Music Production (Skillshare)
Welcome to my guide on the Logic Pro X Drummer. Hello Music Composers & Producers, Mike here. I will now teach you how to use the Drummer Track in Logic Pro X, to truly speed up your workflow and efficiency when adding drums and percussion parts in your music.

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You will get a complete guide of all the main features, practical live examples of how I use the drummer as a composer, as well as my best power tips.

Now are you ready to?

- Learn the Foundations of the Drummer in Logic Pro X

- Watch Practical Examples on using the Drummer

- Get my Best Power Tips on the Drummer Track

Now it is time for your project, which I strongly recommend you to do, because learning by doing, is the most powerful way to become an expert or even master in any field.

1. Create a new project in Logic Pro X with 3 tracks: Bass, Chords and Melody.

2. Record a 16 bar section with these 3 tracks.

3. Add a Drummer track and use the knowledge you gained to practice creating and shaping regions and performances.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.