Learn to setup your Ecommerce website using WooCommerce (Eduonix)

Learn to setup your Ecommerce website using WooCommerce (Eduonix)
Free Course
Basic knowledge of web and WordPress is sufficient to complete this course

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Learn to setup your Ecommerce website using WooCommerce (Eduonix)
Complete guide to creating and running your shop with Woocommerce and WordPress for beginners. Everyone remembers the early days of Ebay and Amazon that offered a simple platform for purchasing goods online. Then came the days of Etsy and online stores that allowed individual buyers to get into that action by requiring them to build their own stores online for a fraction of the cost of building e-commerce websites.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

The cost of building e-commerce websites are significantly high and set back companies for a large amount. This worsens if you want to add a secure payment gateway to ensure a seamless monetary transaction to your own website. This is why building an online store or an e-commerce website are extremely expensive.

Well, what if all of that could be solved with a plugin? WooCommerce does exactly that by removing the hassle that comes with building an e-commerce website from scratch. Add a plugin and WooCommerce will add a cart directly to your website.

WooCommerce is a plugin that allows a lot of features and functionalities out of the box. You can not only design your own website and sell items on there, but also keep track of your inventory, calculate shipping rates, check your sales and profits, as well as offer a wide range of payment options.

While all of this might seem a little complicated to master, we’ve got you covered! This course has been designed to help you breakdown WooCommerce into simple and easy to master segments. In this tutorial, you’ll learn not only learn how to install WooCommerce but also how to integrate it successfully into your website to turn it into an easy to run online store.

That’s not all, we’ll also show you how to start and set up your WordPress website, which means you’ll learn how to start everything from the beginning. In case, you’ve already got your own website, you can simply skip ahead to the WooCommerce set up.

At the end of this course, you will not only know what WooCommerce is but you’ll have set up your own WordPress website, become familiar with the WordPress Dashboard, downloaded and integrated WooCommerce and also become familiar with the plugin’s Dashboard. That’s not all, together with the instructor you’ll also create an entire online store from scratch including adding payment options.

What you’ll learn in this course:

- Setting up the environment

- Installing essentials such as Notepad++, WAMP, etc.

- Installing and Setting up WordPress

- Going through the WordPress Dashboard

- Installing and Setting up WooCommerce

- Touring the WooCommerce Dashboard

- Install Theme and Payments

- Designing the Store Front

- Setting up PayPal payment option

- Adding Products and Categories

- Marketing & Monitoring your sales

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
Basic knowledge of web and WordPress is sufficient to complete this course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.