Introduction to Machine Learning using Microsoft Azure (Udacity)

Introduction to Machine Learning using Microsoft Azure (Udacity)
Free Course

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Introduction to Machine Learning using Microsoft Azure (Udacity)
Gain a high-level introduction to the field of machine learning and prepare to use Azure Machine Learning Studio to train machine learning models. Plus, learn how to perform a variety of tasks on Azure Machine Learning labs — from data import, transformation and management to training, validating and evaluating models. Access to the Azure Machine Learning Labs will close after a predetermined number of students have completed the course.

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As more and more services move to the cloud, the need for machine learning expertise in cloud infrastructure increases. In fact, nearly 90% of companies rely on cloud computing. Microsoft Azure is one of the top cloud providers among Fortune 500 companies, and this free course aims to enable a new generation of machine learning practitioners to progress their careers.

What you will learn

Introduction to Machine Learning

Gain a high-level introduction to the field of machine learning and train your first machine learning model using Azure Machine Learning Studio

Model Training

Learn how to prepare data and then transform it into trained machine learning models and get an introduction to ensemble learning and automated machine learning

Supervised & Unsupervised Learning

Dive into two of Machine Learning's fundamental approaches: supervised and unsupervised learning and learn about classification, regression, clustering, representation learning, and more

Applications of Machine Learning

This lesson looks at some of the most important applications of ML, including deep learning, similarity learning, text classification, feature learning, and anomaly detection

Managed Services for Machine Learning

Learn how to enhance your ML processes with managed services and discuss computing resources, the modeling process, automation via pipelines, and more

Responsible AI

This lesson will tackle some of the potential implications and challenges posed by ML and AI—as well as principles for building responsible AI that avoids harming others

Prerequisites and requirements

The Introduction to Machine Learning using Microsoft Azure course is intended for learners who have prior programming knowledge in any language, preferably Python, and are comfortable writing scripts. Having a knowledge of basic statistics will also help with deploying the Machine Learning models in this course.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.