Grammar For Writers: Subject Verb Agreement (Skillshare)

Grammar For Writers: Subject Verb Agreement (Skillshare)
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Grammar For Writers: Subject Verb Agreement (Skillshare)
In this class, you'll learn to identify and correct one of the most common grammar mistakes: improper subject verb agreement. In theory, the rule is very simple...if you have a singular subject, you need a singular verb. Plural subject, plural verb. Easy enough, right? Well, not always. It can get pretty sticky when you have multiple nouns in your sentence, so join us and learn how to navigate it all.

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Pick one of your WIP's and edit for subject verb agreement. Identify 5-6 sentences with agreement errors and write out both the original and the corrected versions. For bonus points, or if you can't find any agreement errors, pick 5 sentences and break them down using the methods described in the video. You should be able to do each of the following:

1) identify the verb

2) identify the subject using the "filing system" method

3) put them together to check for agreement

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