A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Social Services for Families, Seniors and Those with Disabilities (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Social Services for Families, Seniors and Those with Disabilities (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Course 4 discusses four populations: families, poor families, people with disabilities, and people as they age. This course addresses issues of power, oppression, and white supremacy. What You Will Learn: formulate practice strategies to overcome the historic biases in social welfare programs; distinguish the values inherent in each social [...]
May 20th 2024
Course Auditing
42.00 EUR/month

Introducción a la Gestión de Operaciones (Coursera)

Aprende a analizar y a mejorar los procesos empresariales en servicios o en la industria. Aprende cómo incrementar la productividad y a ofrecer niveles de calidad mayores. Después de que finalices con éxito este curso, podrás aplicar estas habilidades en un reto empresarial del mundo real como parte de [...]

Ceramics and Composites (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Ceramics and Composites (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will introduce the major types of ceramics and their applications. We will learn about the different methods used for glass strengthening; the factors that determine a ceramic’s crystal structure; the key characteristics of composite materials; and the different structures of fiber-reinforced composite materials. We will discuss reasons [...]

Supplier Partnerships (Coursera)

This course covers the very important topic of Supplier Partnerships. After a brief introduction to the course, the course will cover why partnerships are important and what exactly is a partnership. The course will give a "real life" example Partnership Model that has been successfully used in over 150 [...]

Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Interface Designs (Coursera)

Rapid Prototyping is the second of three classes in the Embedded Interface Design (EID) specialization, an online version of the on-campus EID class taught in graduate embedded systems design. This course is focused on rapid prototyping of devices and systems and the related methods, practices, and principles that [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

A Organização Centrada na Jornada do Cliente (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso A Organização Centrada na Jornada no Cliente. Neste curso, você aprenderá que objetivos de negócio de uma empresa somente podem ser atingidos se houver co-criação de valor entre seus profissionais e fornecedores. Para tanto, os clientes devem estar no centro de suas definições e atividades. [...]

A Practical Introduction to Test-Driven Development (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
A Practical Introduction to Test-Driven Development (Coursera)
Course Auditing
To be a proficient developer you need to have a solid grasp of test writing before putting code into production. In this course, we will take a hands-on look at Test-Driven Development by writing and implementing tests as soon as week one. TDD starts with good unit tests, so [...]
May 20th 2024
Course Auditing
41.00 EUR/month

Aboriginal Worldviews and Education (Coursera)

Intended for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners, this course will explore indigenous ways of knowing and how they can benefit all students. Topics include historical, social, and political issues in Aboriginal education; terminology; cultural, spiritual and philosophical themes in Aboriginal worldviews; and how Aboriginal worldviews can inform professional programs [...]

Abstraction, Problem Decomposition, and Functions (Coursera)

This course is the third course in the specialization exploring both computational thinking and beginning C programming. Rather than trying to define computational thinking, we’ll just say it’s a problem-solving process that includes lots of different components. Most people have a better understanding of what beginning C programming [...]

Academic Listening and Note-Taking (Coursera)

This course will help non-native English speakers improve their listening and note-taking skills for the purpose of listening to academic lectures. You will learn techniques for improving your understanding and skills for taking more effective notes, and you will get lots of practice in using these. If you're planning [...]