Danil Fedorovykh

Danil Fedorovykh (Данил Фёдоровых) is a Senior Lecturer in Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow. His research interests include microeconomics, industrial organization and economics of informal markets. In 2012 and 2013, he won a “HSE Best Teacher” award.
Danil puts substantial efforts towards stimulating interest in economics among high schoolers and undergraduates. He is a co-founder of ILoveEconomics.ru, a website for Russian students who just started to learn economics, and is also a member of organizing committees of a number of contests in economic problem-solving (olympiads) and summer schools for high school students.
At HSE, Danil is a promoter of LaTeX – a professional desktop publishing system for scholars. The course on LaTeX that he has been teaching for several years helped hundreds of students, researchers and lecturers to learn how to make publications and presentation slides in a highly professional manner.
More info: http://www.hse.ru/en/staff/df

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Документы и презентации в LaTeX (Introduction to LaTeX) (Coursera)

LaTeX (читается «латех») — научная издательская система. На этом курсе вы узнаете, как оформить ваши идеи в виде красивого, профессионально сверстанного текста или слайдов презентации.