Real-Time Analytics

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Real-Time Big Data Access using HBase: Boosting Performance (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Real-Time Big Data Access using HBase: Boosting Performance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In the world of big data, the significant growth in both the sheer volume and variety of data has presented significant challenges. Apache HBase has emerged as a robust and scalable solution. HBase is a powerful, distributed, and scalable NoSQL database designed to handle large amounts of data while [...]

Real-Time Analytics with Apache Storm (Udacity)

The world is trending in real time! Learn from Twitter to scalably process tweets, or any big data stream, in real-time to drive d3 visualizations using Apache Storm, the "Hadoop of Real Time." Storm is free, open source, and fun to use! Learn from Karthik Ramasamy, about the distributed, [...]