Generative AI for Software Developers Specialization

Boost your software development career with Gen AI. Build in-demand hands-on Generative AI skills for your elevating your software engineering game in 1 month or less
What you'll learn:
Identify real-world generative AI uses and describe popular generative AI models and tools for text, code, image, audio, and video
Explain generative AI prompt engineering concepts, examples, and common tools and learn techniques needed to create effective, impactful prompts
Learn about tools and techniques to generate code snippets, scripts, test cases, and applications using generative AI models
Develop innovative software engineering solutions using AI-powered tools and LLMs

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Generative AI: Elevate your Software Development Career (Coursera)

Generative AI is transforming the field of Software Engineering, making it a crucial skills for Developers to have in their toolkit. This IBM course "Generative AI for Software Developers" is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how generative AI techniques can be applied to enhance software [...]