Digital Privacy

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Fundamentals of Social Media Advertising (Coursera)

This course takes a deep dive into paid advertising on social media. Learn how to start advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram by developing effective ads. Learn how to work with design teams by capturing the essence of your ad campaign in a creative brief, and understand how [...]

Privacy & Standardisation Capstone (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Privacy & Standardisation Capstone (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the capstone on the specialisation on Privacy & Standardisation. This capstone will build on the knowledge you obtained in the courses: Standardisation & Technology, Privacy in the Western World, Privacy in the USA and Privacy in Europe. The capstone will help you build a comprehensive opinion and [...]

Introduction to Personal Branding (Coursera)

Though the concept of personal branding isn't new, questions remain about how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and inhabit that brand. Learners will: understand both what personal branding means and what it means to inhabit their brand o Establish themselves on at least [...]

The ABC's of GDPR: Protecting Privacy in an Online World (Coursera)

Sep 9th 2024
The ABC's of GDPR: Protecting Privacy in an Online World (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is aimed at business professionals, web designers, and other interested professionals who collect, process, use, or otherwise encounter personal data subject to the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation. By the end of this course, learners will be familiar with roles involved in assuring compliance with GDPR [...]

Doxing: Dangers & Prevention (Kaspersky Education)

In this course, by Kaspersky and, you will learn what doxing is, what are the dangers associated with it, how to protect yourself and your close ones from doxing and how to share information responsibly.

Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique (FUN)

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Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique (FUN)
Free Course
L'informatique, Internet et les services numériques envahissent les moindres actions de notre vie, avec de nombreuses promesses pour améliorer notre vie quotidienne, notre santé ou accéder à la connaissance. Si certains succès des technologies numériques sont indéniables, il existe des contreparties. Pour proposer un service numérique adapté à son [...]