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De l'atome à l'humain : à la racine des mots scientifiques (FUN)

Ce cours en ligne gratuit porte donc sur l’étymologie du vocabulaire scientifique et médical. Il s’adresse aux lycéens se préparant à la PACES, aux formations paramédicales, aux études scientifiques, aux STAPS... Il s’adresse également aux étudiants de ces différentes filières, ainsi qu’à toute personne intéressée par l’étymologie. [...]

Biochimica (Federica Web Learning)

La biochimica è lo studio della chimica dei processi da cui dipende la vita. La ricerca in tale ambito ha evidenziato che i processi metabolici fondamentali sono comuni a molti organismi nella pur vasta diversità che li caratterizza. Questo corso, in particolare, è stato ideato per rendere la biochimica [...]

Bioinorganic Chemistry (

Legacy Course
Bioinorganic Chemistry (
Free Course
This course will teach you the important role that metal ions play in key biological processes. You will learn that many biological functions are performed at the cellular level by metal ions that are incorporated into the activation sites of proteins and enzymes.

Biochemistry (

Legacy Course
Biochemistry (
Free Course
Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes and compounds, such as cellular makeup, that bring about life in organisms. It is a combination of multiple science fields; you can think of it as general and cell biology coupled with organic and general chemistry.