Yves Schemeil

Yves Schemeil is a Professor of political science, University of Grenoble Alpes & Institut Universitaire de France (Global & Comparative Politics); visiting scholar, Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne & Grenoble Ecole de Management.
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Global Politics (Coursera)

The course explains why international studies originating from the West are currently evolving towards a planetary approach to World politics, with a particular focus on global order and local disorders. Thinking globally helps explain new linkages between changes in the natural environment (demography, climate) and transformations of institutional designs. [...]

The Geopolitics of Hospitality (FutureLearn)

Discover the role that cooking and hospitality play in international relations. Explore the rising discipline of gastrodiplomacy. Diplomacy and hospitality are similar in many ways: they bring people from various cultural and social origins together. In international politics, the ritual of meal preparation can help mitigate potentially contentious relationships. [...]