Xu Xing

Xu Xing is an esteemed dinosaur palaeontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing (IVPP). He received his BSc in Geology from Peking University and pursued an MSc and PhD in Palaeontology at the IVPP. He completed his thesis on ‘deinonychosaurian fossils from the Jehol Group of western Liaoning and the coelurosaurian evolution’ in 2002.
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Dinosaur Ecosystems | 恐龙的生态系统 | Los Ecosistemas de los Dinosaurios (edX)

A global adventure to learn how palaeontologists use animal and plant fossils as well as living forms to reconstruct dinosaur ecosystems. 一个环球的探索,了解古生物学家如何运用动植物化石以及现存生物来重建远古恐龙的生态系统。Una aventura global para aprender cómo los paleontólogos utilizan fósiles de animales y plantas, así como organismos vivientes, para reconstruir los ecosistemas en donde vivían los [...]