Sarah Steele

Dr Sarah Steele is the Deputy Director of the Intellectual Forum, Jesus College, Cambridge and a Senior Research Associate in Cambridge Public Health, University of Cambridge. Her cross-disciplinary research is dedicated to driving effective social change around issues that impact upon people's health and wellbeing in the 21st Century. She applies her backgrounds in law and global health to explore social, cultural and policy interventions around gender-based violence, modern slavery, the commercial determinants of health, and professionalism in the online space. Having held posts at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Oxford, amongst other institutions in the UK, USA and Australia, Sarah is an experienced lecturer and researcher, while also offering consulting and workshops as an active bystander training facilitator.

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Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment and Violence (edX)

Learn how to become an active bystander and address sexual harassment and violence - in the workplace, at home, and in wider social relations. In 2017, an international movement gained momentum highlighting the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and violence. Millions worldwide used #MeToo, #TimesUp, #BalanceTonPorc, #NotYourHabibti, #Teknisktfel, #QuellaVoltaChe, #YoTambien [...]

How to be an active bystander in a post #MeToo world (edX)

Learn what you can do to address sexual harassment and violence – in the workplace, at home, and in wider social relations. In 2017, an international movement gained momentum highlighting the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and violence. Millions worldwide used #MeToo, #TimesUp, #BalanceTonPorc, #NotYourHabibti, #Teknisktfel, #QuellaVoltaChe, #YoTambien and similar [...]