Michael Abiodun Olatokun

Michael Abiodun Olatokun is the Bingham Centre Research Fellow in Citizenship and the Rule of Law and Head of Public & Youth Engagement within the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. He is a Visiting Lecturer at Middlesex University in London. He runs a national programme teaching 40,000 students across the UK about the rule of law, democracy and human rights. Before his time at the Bingham Centre Michael coordinated national voter registration efforts for which he was won many awards. Michael is a member of the Administrative Law Bar Association and a Fellow of the Royal Society of The Arts. In 2019 he was appointed the Deputy Chair of the Office for Students TEF Subject Pilot Panel for Business and Law.

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Citizenship and the Rule of Law (Coursera)

"Be you so high, the law is above you." This principle, part of the Rule of Law, has come to represent the powerful idea that even politicians and monarchs are bound by the law. However in an age of powerful corporations, international cyber-crime and popular support for authoritarian leaders, [...]