Mia Rönnmar

My main research areas are Swedish, comparative and EU labour law and industrial relations. I apply legal-analytical, comparative and interdisciplinary/social science approaches to labour law research. I am a Professor in private law, working as a researcher and teacher in labour law at the Faculty of Law.
I have vast experience of comparative and international research co-operation, and have published widely in monographs, edited volumes and international and national journals. I am the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations and the Swedish national expert in the European Commission's European Labour Law Networks (ELLN). I am a member of the Norma Research Programme at Lund University, including its research environment in Elder Law, and a member of the ReMarkLab Research Programme at Stockholm University.
An ongoing research project, financed by FAS/Forte, aims at a legal study of the employment regulation’s development and content in light of the EU law flexicurity discourse. Employment protection and flexible employment are in focus. Central concepts are employability and equal treatment. The Swedish legal development is compared to the Danish, Dutch and English development. Within the Norma Elder Law Research Environment, financed by Ragnar Söderberg Foundation and Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, I conduct a research project on ‘Flexicurity and the Legal Position of the Elderly’. Older workers, employment protection, flexible employment and the ban on age discrimination are in focus. Here, I and Ann Numhauser-Henning are currently working on a large comparative research project on age discrimination and labour law, which will involve the organisation of an international research workshop in Lund in April 2014 and the publication of an edited book by Kluwer Law International in 2015. I am also participating in a related interdisciplinary research project on ‘working life beyond retirement and "stayers" in the labour market’ (with researchers at the
Linneaus University, Sweden, financed by the Kamprad Foundation.
I teach labour law at different levels at the law study programme, especially at the courses Private Law, The Social Dimension and Individual Labour Law. I also supervise students writing their graduate thesis in labour law. In addition, I am Chairman of the Research Committee at the Faculty of Law. I am supervisor for Andrea Iossa and Niklas Selberg, doctoral students in labour law, and I was assistant supervisor for Annika Berg, Doctor of Laws in labour law in May 2008, and for Emma Holm, Doctor of Laws in EU law in February 2011.
More info here.

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