Christian Gülpen

Christian Gülpen is the division head responsible for practice-oriented research at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at RWTH Aachen University on digitalization and Industry 4.0. He is particularly interested in the systematic development of new business models, (innovation) strategy and value creation in ecosystems, and the development of customized offerings within the framework of Industry 4.U. As a board member and managing director of InTIME Industrietransfergesellschaft, he supports innovative companies in shaping the future. As Managing Director of IfU GmbH, he is jointly responsible for the development of the Institute for Enterprise Cybernetics. Christian is an honorary member of the German Federal Government's Plattform Lernende Systeme as well as the Interdisciplinary Panel Digital Transformation of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) and the Advisory Board of atp Magazine.

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An Introduction to Data-Driven Supply Chain Resilience Management (edX)

This course teaches the foundations of data-driven supply chain resilience management and prepares the students to lead the discussion on supply chain resilience within their company. Globalization, off-shoring and the just in time paradigm have created vulnerable supply chains that are suffering from unprecedented shocks like COVID-19 and increasing [...]