Brando Skyhorse

Brando Skyhorse’s debut novel," The Madonnas of Echo Park", received the 2011 PEN/Hemingway Award and the Sue Kaufman Award for First Fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The book was also a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers pick. He has been awarded fellowships at Ucross, Can Serrat, Spain, and was the 2014-2015 Jenny McKean Moore Writer-In-Washington at George Washington University. Skyhorse is a graduate of Stanford University and the MFA Writers’ Workshop program at UC Irvine. He’s a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor in Creative Writing at Wesleyan University. His latest book, Take This Man: A Memoir, is out now in paperback.
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Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot (Coursera)

In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to perhaps the most elemental and often the most challenging element of story: plot. We will learn what keeps it moving, how it manipulates our feelings, expectations, and desires. We will examine the choices storytellers make to snag our [...]