Andrés Felipe Melani De La Hoz

Andrés Felipe Melani De La Hoz was born in Bogotá, Colombia. He received his undergraduate degree in Systems and Computing Engineering in 2015, and his MSc in Business Information Technologies in 2019, both from the Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá). He has been teaching and performing some research at Los Andes since 2019, working as an instructor at the Systems and Computing Engineering Department. Currently, he is part of the team that coordinates the programming courses at the University, and participated in the creation of a Coursera MOOC, that was ranked in the top 20 best MOOCs launched in 2017 according to Class-Central, among 2000 evaluated courses.

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Programación en Python (Coursera)

¡Te damos la bienvenida al curso de Programación en Python de la Universidad de los Andes! El propósito de este curso es ofrecerte un ambiente interactivo para que desarrolles tus habilidades de pensamiento computacional, aprendas a programar en el lenguaje Python y te entrenes en la resolución de problemas [...]