Unsupervised Learning and Its Applications in Marketing (Coursera)

Unsupervised Learning and Its Applications in Marketing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is intended for learners having a basic understanding of Python.

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Unsupervised Learning and Its Applications in Marketing (Coursera)
Welcome to the Unsupervised Learning and Its Applications in Marketing course! In this course, you will delve into the fascinating world of unsupervised machine learning and its relevance to the field of marketing. Unsupervised learning is a powerful approach that allows us to uncover hidden patterns and insights from vast amounts of historical data without the need for explicit labels or human intervention. Through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you will learn how to leverage the Python programming language to apply unsupervised learning algorithms in marketing contexts.

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Throughout the course, you will explore various unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering, dimensionality reduction, and association rule mining. These techniques will enable you to identify customer segments, uncover meaningful relationships between variables, and gain valuable insights into consumer behavior. By mastering the applications of unsupervised learning in marketing, you will acquire the skills to extract actionable knowledge from data, make data-driven decisions, and unlock new opportunities for your marketing strategies.

So, get ready to embark on a journey of discovery and innovation as you explore the fascinating world of unsupervised learning and its transformative applications in marketing. Let's dive in and unlock the hidden potential of data-driven marketing together!

To succeed in this course, you should have a basic understanding of Python.

You will also need certain software requirements, including Anaconda navigator.

This course is part of the Machine Learning for Marketing Specialization.

What you'll learn

- Apply Python as an effective tool for implementing various algorithms.

- Describe unsupervised learning and list its various algorithms.

- List the various applications and promising areas for the application of unsupervised learning.


Fundamentals of Unsupervised Learning

Module 1

In this module, you will be introduced to the exciting field of unsupervised learning and its applications in marketing. You will learn about various unsupervised learning algorithms and their functionalities, including clustering, dimensionality reduction, and association rule mining. Through hands-on exercises and practical examples, you will understand how these techniques can be used to uncover hidden patterns, identify customer segments, and gain valuable insights from large and complex marketing datasets. By the end of this module, you will have the knowledge and skills to apply unsupervised learning algorithms to solve marketing challenges, optimize campaigns, and make data-driven decisions that drive business growth. Get ready to unlock the potential of unsupervised learning and revolutionize your marketing strategies.

Clustering and Its Types

Module 2

This module provides a comprehensive introduction to clustering algorithms and their practical application using Python. You will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of clustering and explore different algorithms such as k-means, hierarchical clustering, and DBSCAN. Through hands-on exercises and coding examples, you will learn how to preprocess and transform data, select appropriate clustering algorithms based on data characteristics, and evaluate the performance of clustering models. Additionally, you will acquire the necessary skills to interpret and visualize clustering results, allowing you to gain valuable insights into patterns and structures within your data. By the end of this module, you will be equipped with the knowledge and practical experience to confidently apply clustering algorithms to real-world marketing datasets, enabling you to uncover meaningful clusters and make informed business decisions based on the extracted knowledge.

Weekly Summative Assessment: Fundamentals of Unsupervised Learning and Clustering

Module 3

This assessment is a graded quiz based on the modules covered this week.

Data-Driven Customer Segmentation

Module 4

In this module, you will dive into the fascinating world of customer segmentation and dimensionality reduction techniques. Customer segmentation allows you to divide your customer base into distinct groups based on shared characteristics, behaviors, or preferences. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of different customer segments, you can tailor your marketing strategies to effectively target and engage each segment. You will learn various clustering algorithms and techniques to perform customer segmentation using Python, enabling you to uncover meaningful insights about your customers and optimize your marketing efforts. Additionally, you will explore dimensionality reduction techniques, which are essential for dealing with high-dimensional data and extracting the most relevant features. Through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you will gain practical skills in implementing customer segmentation and dimensionality reduction techniques to unlock valuable insights and drive marketing success.

Dimensionality Reduction

Module 5

This module provides an opportunity to apply dimensionality reduction algorithms using Python. You will explore different types of dimensionality reduction algorithms, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), and autoencoders. Through practical exercises and code implementations, you will gain hands-on experience in reducing the dimensionality of datasets, visualizing high-dimensional data in lower dimensions, and interpreting the results. Additionally, you will be introduced to anomaly detection techniques, which involve identifying rare or unusual data points that deviate from the norm. By the end of this module, you will have a solid understanding of dimensionality reduction algorithms and their application in real-world marketing scenarios, as well as the ability to detect anomalies effectively.

Weekly Summative Assessment: Data-Driven Customer Segmentation and Dimensionality Reduction

Module 6

This assessment is a graded quiz based on the modules covered this week.

Anomaly Detection

Module 7

In this module, you will delve into the practical aspects of anomaly detection by implementing various types of anomaly detection algorithms using Python. You will gain hands-on experience in applying algorithms such as statistical methods, clustering-based approaches, and machine learning-based techniques to detect anomalies in marketing data. Through step-by-step coding examples and guided exercises, you will learn how to preprocess data, select appropriate algorithms for different scenarios, tune parameters, and evaluate the performance of the models. By the end of this module, you will have a solid understanding of the implementation details of different anomaly detection algorithms and be equipped to apply them effectively in real-world marketing scenarios.

Autoencoders and Association Learning

Module 8

Welcome to the module on Autoencoders and Association Learning! In this module, you will explore the fascinating field of autoencoders and its application in association learning, specifically in market basket analysis. In this module, you will learn how to apply autoencoders to extract meaningful features from data and use them to perform association learning using techniques such as the Apriori algorithm and FP-Growth algorithm. Through hands-on exercises and real-world examples, you will gain practical skills in implementing autoencoders and conducting association analysis to discover valuable insights from large-scale transactional data.

Weekly Summative Assessment: Anomaly Detection, Autoencoders, and Association Learning

Module 9

This assessment is a graded quiz based on the modules covered this week.

Semi-Supervised Learning

Module 10

In this module, you will delve into the world of semi-supervised learning. Semi-supervised learning is a powerful technique that combines the strengths of both supervised and unsupervised learning. It leverages a small amount of labeled data along with a large amount of unlabeled data to improve model performance. Through this module, you will gain an understanding of the concepts and principles behind semi-supervised learning. You will also learn how to implement semi-supervised learning algorithms using Python, enabling you to leverage the vast amounts of unlabeled data available in many real-world scenarios. By the end of this module, you will have the knowledge and skills to apply semi-supervised learning techniques in various domains, unlocking new opportunities for predictive modeling and data analysis.

Recommender systems Using RBM

Module 11

In this module, you will delve into the fascinating world of recommender systems and explore the concept of Boltzmann machines, which are powerful generative unsupervised models. You will gain a solid understanding of how Boltzmann machines work and their applications in recommendation systems. Through hands-on exercises and practical examples in Python, you will learn how to implement collaborative filtering using Boltzmann machines to make personalized recommendations. Additionally, this module will also touch upon the promising areas of unsupervised learning and provide insights into the future possibilities and advancements in the field. By the end of this module, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to build effective recommender systems and have a broader understanding of the potential of unsupervised learning in various domains.

Weekly Summative Assessment: Semi-Supervised Learning and Recommender systems Using RBM

Module 12

This assessment is a graded quiz based on the modules covered this week.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month
This course is intended for learners having a basic understanding of Python.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.