Stylized Hand Painting in MAYA for Mobile Devices (beginners) (Skillshare)

Stylized Hand Painting in MAYA for Mobile Devices (beginners) (Skillshare)
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Stylized Hand Painting in MAYA for Mobile Devices (beginners) (Skillshare)
This is a FREE hand painting training for beginners. You will learn the traditional hand painting techniques for Stylized art. We will texture our asset in 2d. Which software is required? Maya 2019 and adobe photoshop. What you will learn? We are going to cover a lot of topics starting with modeling simple low poly assets, uv mapping or unwraping, texturing, hand painting techniques, ambient occlusion maps and more.

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Finally you will be ready to create your own 3d asset. If you are an illustrator artist and want to give the next 3d step, this course is for you.

Create a simple asset in Autodesk Maya, you need to start with the modeling process using simple meshes and low polygon techniques, then you need to create the uv maps. This step is very important, your texture will not deform if you create your uv maps correctly. Finally you will need texture it on Adobe Photoshop inlcuding the AO map created on autodek maya.
step 1. Modeling
step 2. Uv mapping
step 3. Texturing and AO map
step 4. Final details, Create Project

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Free Course

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