Psychology - Thinking and Intelligence (Virtual eUniversity)

Psychology - Thinking and Intelligence (Virtual eUniversity)
Why is it so difficult to break habits—like reaching for your ringing phone even when you shouldn’t, such as when you’re driving? How does a person who has never seen or touched snow in real life develop an understanding of the concept of snow? How do young children acquire the ability to learn language with no formal instruction? Psychologists who study thinking explore questions like these.

Cognitive psychologists also study intelligence. What is intelligence, and how does it vary from person to person? Are “street smarts” a kind of intelligence, and if so, how do they relate to other types of intelligence? What does an IQ test really measure? These questions and more will be explored in this chapter as you study thinking and intelligence.

In other chapters, we discussed the cognitive processes of perception, learning, and memory. In this chapter, we will focus on high-level cognitive processes. As a part of this discussion, we will consider thinking and briefly explore the development and use of language. We will also discuss problem solving and creativity before ending with a discussion of how intelligence is measured and how our biology and environments interact to affect intelligence. After finishing this chapter, you will have a greater appreciation of the higher-level cognitive processes that contribute to our distinctiveness as a species.

This Free Mini MOOC provides Quick introduction to "Psychology – Thinking and Intelligence" in just a Single Week, on your Smartphone with Off-Line Access after initial onetime download!

This Mini MOOC includes features like

(1) Smartphone compatible Responsive Design

(2) Glossary

(3) EBook

(4) HTML5 Interactive Activities

(5) Question-Answer Discussion Forum

(6) Single Week duration, with Study Plan for each Day

(7) Fully Randomized Examination with Negative Marking, which is Open Book and Open to Discussion among peer students / teachers

(8) Online Certificate generation only after student achieves minimum 40% score.

(9) Very simple intuitive design which nurtures effective learning.