Painting a Desert Landscape with Acrylic Paints: Techniques for Children and Beginners (Skillshare)

Painting a Desert Landscape with Acrylic Paints: Techniques for Children and Beginners (Skillshare)
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Painting a Desert Landscape with Acrylic Paints: Techniques for Children and Beginners (Skillshare)
Are you searching for a fun and unique painting project for your child? Are you looking for an art project that will ensure artistic success and confidence? Are you seeking an experienced art teacher to guide your child into the wonderful world of acrylic painting? This Desert Landscape Painting Project may be just what you are looking for! Designed with beginners in mind, this project is perfect for children ages 8-12 years old. By following along with me, step-by-step, your child will learn the skills to create masterpieces of their own long after the project is complete.

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There are two steps in this art project:

- Step 1: Paint Outline

- Step 2: Paint Landscape Artwork

The process used to teach this project is a kid-tested, step-by-step method that will both inspire and delight your child into painting action! This process involves observing, following instructions, and creating until the student is happy with the desired outcome.

Students will learn basic acrylic painting techniques and apply these techniques to complete this project. This Desert Landscape Painting Project is designed to give children the tools they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection, and creative thinking.

Supplies and materials needed for this project:

- Heavy Paper (Acrylic Paper Works Great!)

- Acrylic Paints (Black Plus Colors of Your Choice)

- Paint Brushes (Small and Medium)

- paper towels

- paper plates

- bowl of water

Are You Ready to Create a Desert Landscape?

Follow along as I guide you, step-by-step, into the wonderful world of acrylic painting! Through this creative experience you will not only have fun, you will learn important tools to create fabulous images. You can then share your creations with your family, friends, and in the Skillshare Gallery.

Let's fill this gallery with Desert Landscapes!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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