Make Your Own Jewelry: How To Make A Wirework Necklace (Skillshare)

Make Your Own Jewelry: How To Make A Wirework Necklace (Skillshare)
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Make Your Own Jewelry: How To Make A Wirework Necklace (Skillshare)
Making your own jewelry is a great craft. You get to do something creative, and when you're done, you have jewelry! It can also be a wonderful craft to share as gifts and even sell. This wirework necklace is made of beaded components linked together with wrapped loops. Want to know a secret? It is easier than it looks! Once you learn to make a wrapped loop, you just repeat the process over and over to make the necklace.

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It's all wrapped loops! And putting the clasp on a wirework necklace couldn't be easier. You just slide it into the end of a link. We'll show you how.

We'll also show you how we decide what beads to use for a necklace like this and how we take design inspiration from other pieces of jewelry we see. Plus we'll show you a tip the pros use to make all their wrapped loops the same size.

Making jewelry is so fun and once you learn this wirework technique, you can make all kinds of necklaces and bracelets too!

And remember, while you are working on your wirework necklace, we are right here to help! Just leave us a comment and we'll reply!

Make Your Own Wirework Necklace

Choose a few strands of beads. The design is up to you. We'd love to see your beads, so if you want to, you can upload a picture of your beads! This is optional, but we'd love to see them! It’s kind of like a “before” photo.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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