How Video Games are Made! (Skillshare)

How Video Games are Made! (Skillshare)
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How Video Games are Made! (Skillshare)
If you enjoy playing video games, you'll enjoy creating them even more! Game development is more accessible than it's ever been in history, and with indie games such as Mindcraft, Super MeatBoy, Cuphead, and many others making millions of dollars, developing games can be much more than something you just do for fun in your spare time.

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Now a days, playing video games is a popular pastime for people of all ages. So it’s easy to think video games are no more than simply electronic toys, and can be made with a few clicks of a mouse.

But in reality, getting a game in the hands of consumers often times is a very long and tedious journey, that can take years from start to finish.

So how do they do it, how are games really developed?

Whether your looking to create a small indie game, a mobile game, or work with a big AAA game studio, the basic sequence of creating a game will remain pretty much the same, & falls into three stages.....

40 years ago, game production was a lot less complicated. Back then, it wasn’t uncommon for one person to write, design, & code a single game in as little as a couple months.

Nowadays however, the expectations for the average gamer is significantly more demanding. For a game to live up to the lofty standards of today's market, it will take much more than the ability to write a few simple lines of code, or to to draw a few rudimentary pixels on screen.

Working in the game development industry isn't just subject to artist or programmers. There are many roles in game development now a days that require a range of different knowledge & skill sets.

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