Foundations of American Cyber-Culture (WMA)

Foundations of American Cyber-Culture (WMA)
Server-based art course introduces principles of digital media creation from program to poetry through a combination of lectures, creative projects, and studio seminars. Topics: basic units of digital media, video, audio, and interactivity authoring, digital cinema, scripting, interactive art, web cam and net art. Final project is a web-based ambient/dramatic performance. All courses resources, projects, and reviews are web-based. Students must own networked computer.

Lesson content

Lec 1 Onomastics: Names as Media

Lec 2

Lec 3 Storage, Logic, Code

Lec 4 Enigma, Singularity, Betrayal

Lec 6

Lec 7

Lec 8

Lec 9 Enter the Cyborg

lec 10 Cyborg Maifesto

Lec 11

Lec 12

Lec 13 Reference Points

Lec 14

Lec 15

Lec 16 1740 hack

Lec 19

Lec 20 Points of View

Lec 21

Lec 22

Lec 23

Lec 24 Moral Panic

Lec 25 Moral Panics

Lec 30 Cross of the Digital Divide

Lec 31 Cross the Digital Divide

Lec 33 Data, Self & Other: Three is a Crowd

Lec 37

Lec 39

Lec 40

Lec 42 Solidarity

Lec 43 Origin Myth or Web 3.0: Neophilia, Technoromanticism & Global Optimization