Entrepreneur Mindset: Productivity and Procrastination (Skillshare)

Entrepreneur Mindset: Productivity and Procrastination (Skillshare)
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Entrepreneur Mindset: Productivity and Procrastination (Skillshare)
Yes, we have all been there, trying to accomplish something... But procrastination and lack of organization prevents us from getting where we want to go. If you are here, it is likely that you had some problems so far to motivate yourself doing what you want. After having helped dozens of people with NLP and Hypnosis, I came to a point where I could define exactly what were the missing points.

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Your problems are not really far from somebody else's. If it has worked with more than a hundred people, it will work with you too.
In this course, I teach you how to

- Use your physiology to boost your capacities

- Change the tone of your inner voice to enhance your performance

- Use time to your advantage to get more done is less time

- Secret brain hacks for stop procrastinating

After you implement them, you may start to feel changes in the way you think. Several things that could appear difficult before might start to sound easy suddenly.

After you have had success with these brain hacks, please comment and let me know which one worked best for you ! :)

Here is your mission:

1- Write the physical moves you are capable of doing every day to boost your physiology.

Everyday before I work, I will:____________________________________________

2- Choose your role model's voice, start to use it to speak to yourself

My inner voice role model is:_____________________________________________

Example of a negative internal dialogue:____________________________________

When I repeat this phrase with my role model's voice, it becomes_______________________________________

3- Define your optimal Work/Relax Schedule:

For every ______minutes worked, I will take a ______minutes break. During that break, I will____________________________________________

4- Apply the procrastination brain hacks:

My favorite location to work is_____________________________________________

Every day I will start my tasks by___________________________________________

When I reduce the negative images in my head, I notice that___________________________________________

Good Luck !!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.