Data Visualization and Storytelling (edX)

Data Visualization and Storytelling (edX)
Free Course
Analyzing and Visualizing Data with PowerBI is recommended before taking this course.

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Data Visualization and Storytelling (edX)
Learn the skills of digital storytelling necessary to tell compelling stories with data through visualization tools. In this course, you will learn the skills necessary to tell compelling stories with data through visualization tools. You will gain a superpower allowing you to influence others through the craft of storytelling with data.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Raw data alone struggles to provide insights to an audience. To spotlight the objective of your data, you need to present it in a story-driven format to engage the audience. By combining no-code data visualization tools with storytelling best practices, you will learn how to convert data into an effective communication tool. Gaining the skill of digital storytelling will enable you to persuade people by uniting a data driven idea with a human emotion. After all, stories can be the most powerful skill within an effective communicators’ toolbox.

This hands-on course will be helpful for anyone who works with data, big or small. You will learn how to communicate your data with others in a clear, concise and compelling manner. You will complete the course with a portfolio of data visualization projects, analog and digital, that demonstrate the application of data storytelling. Learn how to pair visual representations like charts, diagrams, infographics and dashboards with storytelling techniques to strengthen delivery and provide honest interpretations of the data.

This course summary represents an initiative aimed at engaging learners early in the course development process to submit course design feedback. By enrolling in the free audit version of this course, you are “voting” for us to build the course since the curriculum does not yet exist. After signing up, you will have the opportunity to provide qualitative feedback which will be used to determine aspects of the potential course design process. We will only email you to let you know whether we are building the course, and you are welcome to unenroll at any time.

If there is enough interest from learners in this course, early enrollment will provide you with free access to supplemental course content and an opportunity to influence the direction of the course build via your feedback. If there is not enough interest in this course, it may not be built. By including learners in this process, we hope to provide access to a larger and more diverse group of learners.

What you'll learn

- The keys to being successful in data storyteller- including understanding the context, choosing an effective visual, eliminating clutter, focusing attention and telling a compelling story to your audience

- Ability to cultivate a captivating story with data using visualizations

- How to feature the right data in the right visual format

- How to provide critical insights to back up your claims

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
Analyzing and Visualizing Data with PowerBI is recommended before taking this course.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.