Crash Course on Professional Interviewing for Beginners (Skillshare)

Crash Course on Professional Interviewing for Beginners (Skillshare)
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Crash Course on Professional Interviewing for Beginners (Skillshare)
The class: Experienced interviewer and university lecturer in qualitative interviewing Zack Koretsky guides you through your preparation for your first journalistic, blogging, podcast, academic or school interview! Filled with insightful tips and a bit of theory, it’s a perfect crash course for beginner journalists, bloggers and students.

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The prompt: Think of a person that you can interview, conduct the interview and write a short report on your interview.

Why: Use this class to leap over the frustrating uncertainty and inexperience of your first (or second, or third!) interview.

Conduct an interview and write a report on your experiences.

1. Explain why you’ve interviewed that person.

2. Describe the highlights of the interview (good or bad!).

3. Reflect on your experience of preparing and conducting the interview (e.g. what did you learn? what helped you? what will you do differently next time?).

Optionally, include your topic guide, questions, and/or a link to the actual interview (if applicable)!

I encourage you to write your report as you are going through the class so you can have all your notes in one place and receive feedback. At the end of the class, your report should look like a short (or long!) text, like a blog post.

Good luck interviewing and I can’t wait to read about your experiences!

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