A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Our World and How to Accept It (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Our World and How to Accept It (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Thriving organizations strive for equity at all levels. Dynamic global DEI initiatives strengthen connectivity within individual teams and foster cross-cultural collaboration and mutual understanding while encouraging the inclusion of employees from all regions. Broader global relations aside, there also exist country-specific ethnic dynamics that make DEI a critical conversation. [...]

Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics (Coursera)

Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics is a graduate-level, hands-on interactive exploration of real informatics tools and techniques offered by the University of Minnesota and the University of Minnesota's National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. We will be incorporating technology-enabled educational innovations to bring the subject matter to life. Over the [...]

Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Teoria dos Jogos: Da Teoria à Prática. Neste curso, você aprenderá que a Teoria dos Jogos é um ramo da Economia que trata da análise da tomada de decisões quando todos os tomadores de decisões são presumivelmente racionais, e cada um procura prever as ações [...]

Professional Selling: Step 1 - Think Like a High-Performer (Coursera)

Foundational Skills and Knowledge Required of High Performing Salespeople. This course takes the mystery out of sales and the sales process. Learners will gain a clear understanding of the sales process and the fundamental skills required to build lasting, long-term, trusting relationships with customers. [...]

Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you’ll learn the foundational theories behind robo-advising, crowdfunding, and marketplace lending, and how to apply these theories to optimize your investments. Professor David Musto of the Wharton School has designed this course to help you gain a practical understanding of the theoretical frameworks of Modern Portfolio [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

A Public Health Approach to Hearing Loss and Aging (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
A Public Health Approach to Hearing Loss and Aging (Coursera)
Course Auditing
At the Johns Hopkins Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health, we are dedicated to training up the next generation of clinicians and researchers to study the impact that hearing loss in older adults has on public health and to develop and implement public health strategies and solutions for [...]

A quick tour on Big Data and Business Intelligence (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
A quick tour on Big Data and Business Intelligence (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is devoted to beginners and practitioners of Big Data and AI fields. It will be a quick overview of some basic concepts that could be further elaborated by professionals. Ranging from CAP theorem to Turing assumption, we will provide a starting guide for diving in these fascinating [...]

A Strategic Approach to Cybersecurity (Coursera)

Cybersecurity affects everyone, including in the delivery of basic products and services. If you or your organization want to better understand how to address your cybersecurity, this is the course for you and your colleagues to take -- from seasoned professionals to your non-technical [...]

A tecnologia da produção musical (Coursera)

Aprenda sobre o processo de produção musical (inclusive sobre gravação, edição e mixagem) e conheça as ferramentas disponíveis para criação de música contemporânea no computador.

Academic Discussions in English (Coursera)

This is the third course in the Learn English: Advanced Speaking and Listening specialization. In this class you will learn about different types of conversations you will have in academic settings. You will also learn some strategies for helping you understand other people's meaning and for helping you express [...]