IE Business School

IE is an international institution dedicated to educating business leaders through programs based on our core values of global focus, entrepreneurial spirit and a humanistic approach. Our 500-strong, international faculty teaches a student body composed of more than 90 nationalities in our Undergraduate (IE University), Master, and Doctorate degrees, and Executive Education programs. Our alumni, now numbering over 40,000, hold management positions in some 100 countries worldwide.
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Riesgos y oportunidades empresariales en una economía globalizada (Coursera)

Oportunidades y riesgos empresariales en un mundo globalizado» es el tercer y último curso de la especialización «Globalización, crecimiento económico y estabilidad» impartido por la profesora de IE Business School Gayle Allard. En este curso, los alumnos aprovecharán los conocimientos y la teoría de sus dos cursos anteriores y [...]

Building Culture in a Scaleup (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Building Culture in a Scaleup (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Company culture changes in the shift from startup to scaleup – and as the company moves and incorporates different people profiles and roles, culture becomes increasingly vital in ensuring that everyone understand the company´s mission, values, strategy, and objectives. This course will help you get that crucial culture piece [...]
May 6th 2024
Course Auditing
33.00 EUR/month

Scaling Product and Processes (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Scaling Product and Processes (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Fine-tune your product and processes before you begin to scale up your startup! Take the guesswork out of product-market fit and sales and marketing for your scaleup with this course and discover what sets your product apart and how to capitalize on what your company has to offer as [...]

Why Scale a Startup? (Coursera)

If you want to find out how to begin to scale up a company, this course is for you! This course will guide you through all the key questions you need to ask yourself to prepare to scale up a startup, provide you with the necessary frameworks to [...]

Scale Up Specialization Capstone (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Scale Up Specialization Capstone (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This Capstone course is aimed at learners who have experience of working in a startup and want to scale up their business and want to bring together what they have learned in the three previous courses on scaling up a startup (Scale Up Your Startup, Scaling Product and Processes, [...]
May 6th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age (Coursera)

Digital technologies are changing business, government and society worldwide. Clearly, they’re opening up new risks and opportunities for every sector of the world economy. Such “futurology” may offer you the big picture, but what does a digital world mean for you, personally? Will you be ready for [...]

Fundamentos del marketing mix (Coursera)

En este curso haremos una introducción a las cuatro Ps del marketing (producto, precio, promoción y plaza), y te hará analizar estratégicamente tu producto o servicio.

Marketing Mix Fundamentals (Coursera)

Marketing Mix Fundamentals prepares you for arguably the most important stage of bring your product to market - how and where are you going to market it? It sets out a detailed introduction to the four P’s of Marketing (Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion), this course forces you to [...]

Investigación de mercados y comportamiento del consumidor (Coursera)

El primer curso de este especialización consta de dos bloques que te proveerán de los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar tu trayectoria en Marketing. Aprende las herramientas y técnicas para convertir una decisión en una investigación real, esto lo verás en el primer módulo: Investigación de Mercado. Cómo plantear la [...]

Gestión del canal de distribución y retailing (Coursera)

Hoy en día la estrategia de distribución es parte del ADN de muchas empresas y la gestión correcta de la misma es fundamental para el éxito de tu producto o servicio. Los canales necesitan ser planificados a largo plazo combinando las siguientes áreas principalmente: perfil de compañía, estructura de [...]