Python Programming

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Network Systems Foundations (Coursera)

Welcome! Throughout this course, Network Systems Foundations, you will delve into the fundamental layers of network communication. You will start with a thorough discussion of the Link Layer and its crucial role, moving on to the intricacies of Internet Protocol (IP) and router data planes, and then navigate through [...]

Introduction to Programming (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Introduction to Programming (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Designed for the not-yet-experienced programmer, this course will provide you with a structured foundation for developing complex programs in the fields of computer science or data science. If you are a self-taught programmer with scattered bits of understanding, or a complete novice, this is the course for [...]

Programming for Data Science (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Programming for Data Science (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Explore the basics of programming and familiarise yourself with the Python language. After completing this course, you will be able to write Python programs in Jupyter Notebook and describe basic programming. In this course, you will learn everything you need to start your programming journey. You will discover the [...]

Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution (Coursera)

This course, which is the last and final course in the Introduction to Robotics with Webots specialization, will teach you basic approaches for planning robot trajectories and sequence their task execution. In "Robotic Path Planning and Task Execution", you will develop standard algorithms such as Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra's, A* [...]

Basic Robotic Behaviors and Odometry (Coursera)

"Basic Robotic Behaviors and Odometry" provides you with an introduction to autonomous mobile robots, including forward kinematics (“odometry”), basic sensors and actuators, and simple reactive behavior. This course is centered around exercises in the realistic, physics-based simulator, “Webots”, where you will experiment in a hands-on manner with simple reactive [...]

Robotic Mapping and Trajectory Generation (Coursera)

In this second course of the Introduction to Robotics specialization, "Robotic Mapping and Trajectory Generation", you will learn how to perform basic inverse kinematics of (non-)holonomic systems using a feedback control approach. You will also learn how to process multi-dimensional sensor signals such as laser range scanners for mapping. [...]

Fundamental Skills in Bioinformatics (Coursera)

The course provides a broad and mainly practical overview of fundamental skills for bioinformatics (and, in general, data analysis). The aim is to support the simultaneous development of quantitative and programming skills for biological and biomedical students with little or no background in programming or quantitative analysis. [...]

Data Science Coding Challenge: Loan Default Prediction (Coursera)

In this coding challenge, you'll compete with other learners to achieve the highest prediction accuracy on a machine learning problem. You'll use Python and a Jupyter Notebook to work with a real-world dataset and build a prediction or classification model.

Data Science with NumPy, Sets, and Dictionaries (Coursera)

Become proficient in NumPy, a fundamental Python package crucial for careers in data science. This comprehensive course is tailored to novice programmers aspiring to become data scientists, software developers, data analysts, machine learning engineers, data engineers, or database [...]

Data Visualization with Python (Coursera)

In today's data-driven world, the ability to create compelling visualizations and tell impactful stories with data is a crucial skill. This comprehensive course will guide you through the process of visualization using coding tools with Python, spreadsheets, and BI (Business Intelligence) tooling. Whether you are a data analyst, a [...]