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Professional Selling: Step 2 - Prepare Like a High-Performer (Coursera)

Foundational Skills and Knowledge Required of High Performing Salespeople. This course takes the mystery out of prospecting and establishing needs. Learners will gain a clear understanding of the prospecting process and the fundamental skills required to build lasting, long-term, trusting relationships with [...]

Boosting Productivity through the Tech Stack (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Boosting Productivity through the Tech Stack (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Course 4 in the Sales Development Representative (SDR) Professional Certificate will give you the necessary skills to launch a career in the non-technical side of the tech industry. By the end of the course, you will be able to: examine and navigate the tech stack and stay up-to-date on [...]

Executivo de Vendas, Vendas Consultivas e Prospecção (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Executivo de Vendas, Vendas Consultivas e Prospecção. Neste curso, você aprenderá conceitos e o uso de ferramentas práticas para prospectar clientes e realizar vendas de valor (deixar o preço menos representativo na tomada de compra do cliente). Aprenderá, também, a atuar tecnicamente em todas as [...]

Customer Segmentation and Prospecting (Coursera)

In Course 1, we set the foundation for the Art of Sales Specialization and offer a new mindset for becoming a high-performer in sales. We will discuss the Knowledge, Skill and Discipline that you need to stand out in your industry, and create a goal for you to reach [...]