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Microeconomics Principles (Coursera)

Most people make the incorrect assumption that economics is ONLY the study of money. My primary goal in this course is to shatter this belief. During this course, we will be addressing the above questions as well as many more relating to: the environment; love and marriage; crime; labor [...]

Economics: Society, Markets, and [In]equality (Coursera)

Thinking critically about today's economy can help you understand the world around you. Economics: Society, Markets, and [In]equality will pique your curiosity and inspire you to learn more about the power dynamics that determine how people and resources are valued, how goods move around the world, and how we [...]

Economie du sol et de l'immobilier II (Coursera)

Quels sont les liens entre les prix fonciers, les prix immobiliers et les prix pour l'usage des immeubles? Est-ce que les prix immobiliers permettent de comprendre les prix fonciers? Ou l'inverse? Quels sont les calculs faits par les opérateurs sur ces marchés? On a le sentiment que ces marchés [...]

¿Cómo convertir mi idea en empresa? (Coursera)

Este curso te ofrece un entrenamiento para la tarea de descubrir quién será el consumidor de tu producto o servicio y cuáles serán los atributos y características del mismo. Al terminar el curso, habrás identificado una oportunidad de negocio que te permitirá utilizar tus fortalezas personales; habrás identificado un [...]

Starting a Business 3: Customers and Competitors (FutureLearn)

Apr 22nd 2024
Starting a Business 3: Customers and Competitors (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find out how understanding and targeting your market can help your business stand out from the crowd. To run a successful business you need to understand who your customers are and importantly, how you are going to reach them.

Introducción al Marketing (Coursera)

Aprende las bases de Marketing llegando al fondo de toma de decisiones del cliente. Después de completar con éxito este curso, puedes aplicar estas habilidades en un reto empresarial de la vida real como parte de la Programa Especializadode Fundamentos de Negocios de Wharton.

Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets (Coursera)

The oil and gas industry has an enormous impact on all aspects of daily life. Individuals, corporations, and national governments make financial and policy decisions based on the cost, use, and availability of these two natural resources. This two-week course looks at the two most fundamental aspects of the [...]

Introduction to Economic Theories (Coursera)

Wondering why economists have not predicted serious financial crises? Shocked by economic assumptions of human behavior as self-centered and focusing only on what can be measured? Asking yourself if there are no sensible economic alternatives to free markets? Then you are at the right place to learn economics! This [...]

Introducción al Mercado (Coursera)

El estudio de mercado nos ayuda a identificar y definir oportunidades y problemas de mercado, para generar y evaluar estrategias de promoción y venta de los productos y/o servicios de tu empresa o idea de negocio, y a su vez mejorar la relación que existe entre la empresa y [...]

The Power of Markets III: Input Markets and Promoting Efficiency (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
The Power of Markets III: Input Markets and Promoting Efficiency (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The final module of the Power of Markets course begins by further exploring firm behavior in imperfectly competitive market settings: how firms with monopoly power can increase profits through price discrimination; and the price-output combinations we can expect firms to select in cases of monopolistic competition and oligopoly. We [...]