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Personality Types at Work (Coursera)

Knowing yourself, your team, your manager, and your organization are keys to personal and business success. What were once labeled soft skills are now modern requirements in today's workplace - especially if you are trying to get in the door or are already leading a team.

Managing as a Coach (Coursera)

Do you (or do you want to) manage employees? Have you ever wondered how to get better performance out of those you manage? Are you unsure if you are communicating effectively with your employees? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this course – and its [...]

Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Le MOOC “Manager dans l’incertain” s’adresse aux étudiants comme aux porteurs de projet et managers (qu'ils soient en activité professionnelle, juniors ou seniors dans leurs domaines de spécialité) mais aussi à tout acteur du monde de l'entreprise susceptible de prendre des décisions dans un contexte imprévisible. Ce MOOC vous [...]

Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change (Coursera)

This course aims to inspire and empower women and men across the world to engage in purposeful career development and take on leadership for important causes - to lead change with more conviction and confidence - and improve our workplaces and communities for all. By offering more complex understandings [...]

Introduction to Data Analytics for Managers (edX)

Explore data science and analyze business data with Microsoft Azure through the use of SQL, machine learning, and other statistical techniques focused on business applications. Through a combination of lectures, business case studies, and hands-on learning this course provides an introduction to data analytics techniques and their application in [...]

Dealing With The Daily Drama (edX)

Management effectiveness is not found in some abstract theories but in how you handle the real world, day-to-day, moments that face every manager. This course surfaces the most recurring challenges of managing people and illustrates best practices for how exceptional managers address them. You will be introduced to tools [...]

Taking Charge with Care (edX)

There is never a second chance to make a first impression – and so getting off to a good start is an essential element of an exceptional manager’s journey. This course is focused on the challenge of taking charge and effectively making the transition from peer to manager while [...]

Leadership Theory: The Basics (FutureLearn)

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Leadership Theory: The Basics (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Get introduced to the theory behind leadership and leadership styles and find out the difference between managers and leaders. Learn the basics of leadership theory. On this leadership course, you will be introduced to the theoretical underpinnings of leadership, different styles of leadership and their respective strengths and [...]
No sessions available
Course Auditing
64.00 EUR

Let's Get Started: Building Self-Awareness (edX)

Effective leaders know themselves well. They capitalize on their strengths and manage their weaknesses using self-awareness. Learn how self-aware you are and how you can use self-awareness to intentionally develop your management and leadership skills. Great leaders are just ordinary people with the right skills at the right time. [...]