Credit Risk

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Credit Risk Management: Frameworks and Strategies (Coursera)

In this course, you will use business and industry analysis to understand companies, projects, business models, and financing proposals. You will then prepare qualitative risk analysis for specific companies to use as the basis for financial analysis, project analysis, and risk decisions. Lastly, you will understand how to use [...]

Corporate Finance II: Financing Investments and Managing Risk (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how companies decide on how much debt to take, and whether to raise capital from markets or from banks. You will also learn how to measure and manage credit risk and how to deal with financial distress. You will discuss the mechanics of [...]

Riscos Financeiros (Crédito, Mercado e Liquidez) (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Riscos Financeiros (Crédito, Mercado e Liquidez) (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Riscos Financeiros (Crédito, Mercado e Liquidez). Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre conceitos associados à seleção da carteira de investimento, à análise de retorno e riscos que são utilizados na gestão de carteiras e a conceitos sobre modelos utilizados na precificação e alocação dos [...]

Fundamentals of Credit Analysis (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Fundamentals of Credit Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This foundational course is focused on understanding and evaluating credit quality in corporate issuers. It examines the methods that analysts can use to determine credit quality as it relates to debt issues. In particular, we examine what credit risk is, how to use credit ratings in evaluating borrowers, the [...]

Guided Project: Secure Analysis of a Credit Card Dataset (edX)

Self Paced
Guided Project: Secure Analysis of a Credit Card Dataset (edX)
Free Course
In this one-hour of hands-on guided project, you can easily learn how to analyze data using pandas, a popular Python library used for data analysis. This project will teach you how to analyze credit risk on a client dataset using the pandas library.

An Introduction to Credit Risk Management (edX)

What is credit risk? Why is it so important, in modern economies, to correctly deal with it? This course combines theory with practice to answer these questions. Imagine that you are a bank and a main part of your daily business is to lend money. Unfortunately, lending money is [...]

Risk Management in Banks (edX)

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Risk Management in Banks (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about the risks faced by banks and how they identify, assess & mitigate these risks. The emphasis will be on management of Credit Risk, Market Risk, Operational Risk and Enterprise Risk. In this course, we will learn about the risks faced by Banks and the methodologies adopted by [...]