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Formação sobre a COVID-19 para Profissionais de Saúde (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Formação sobre a COVID-19 para Profissionais de Saúde (Coursera)
Free Course
A COVID-19 está se espalhando rapidamente pelo mundo e todos os profissionais de saúde devem estar preparados para reconhecer, estabilizar e tratar pacientes infectados com o novo coronavírus. Após a conclusão deste curso de curta duração, médicos, enfermeiras e outros profissionais de saúde terão uma abordagem unificada e [...]

Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing (Coursera)

This course aims to provide managers and developers of contact tracing programs guidance on the most important indicators of performance of a contact tracing program, and a tool that can be used to project the likely impact of improvements in specific indicators. Students who complete the course will be [...]

Planification et Design de Systèmes et Technologies d’Assainissement (Coursera)

Désirez-vous apprendre à mettre en œuvre des solutions d’assainissement abordables et adaptées à différents contextes ? Voulez-vous connaître les derniers développement dans le domaine de la planification de l’assainissement urbain ? Êtes-vous intéressés par des exemples de systèmes d’assainissement urbain qui fonctionnent dans les pays à faible et moyen [...]

Infectious Disease Transmission Models for Decision-Makers (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Infectious Disease Transmission Models for Decision-Makers (Coursera)
Free Course
During the COVID-19 pandemic, both the promise and perils of using infectious disease transmission models to make public health policy decisions became clearer than ever. Optimal use of modeled output requires that public health policy makers be informed consumers of models, that they understand the strengths and limitations of [...]

Salesforce Reporting (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Salesforce Reporting (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Salesforce Reporting focuses on how the micro-level changes in Salesforce affect the macro level of the user experience. In this course, you will focus on creating custom objects, field dependencies, and work flows to track accounts or services. It is also important that you maintain data clean for your [...]

REcube: REthink, REvive, REuse (POK)

The course aims to impart knowledge for the green regeneration of the European Concrete Heritage. The MOOC provides an introductory overview of the conservation of modern reinforced concrete architecture.

Sustainable Textile Manufacturing (POK)

An overview of the Italian textile manufacturing sector to learn and understand how excellent companies are integrating sustainable practices and processes along the supply chain. The MOOC aims to describe the approach to sustainability in the Italian textile manufacturing sector (for clothing and other sectors) with a specific focus [...]

Landscape Education for Transition (POK)

Take actions to identify, analyse and care the landscape around us! “Landscape Education for Transition” responds to a recommendation by the Council of the European Union, which encourages highlighting the significant role of education as a tool for achieving a green and sustainable transition. Furthermore, the MOOC proposes a [...]

COVID Vaccine Ambassador Training: How to Talk to Parents (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
COVID Vaccine Ambassador Training: How to Talk to Parents (Coursera)
Free Course
Vaccination is a key strategy for preventing serious illness and death from COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines are available for children 5 and older, but many parents have questions about vaccinations. This training course prepares parents of school-age children, PTAs, community members, and school staff to be Vaccine Ambassadors and promote [...]

Making Your Military Transition a Transformation (Coursera)

Transitioning from the military can be an unsettled and challenging time. This course will help transitioning military members, and their spouses, transform their post-military experience by designing the life they truly want. In this course we will talk about common transition pitfalls and walk you through the process of [...]