Acute Respiratory Infections

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Formation COVID-19 pour personnels de santé (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Formation COVID-19 pour personnels de santé (Coursera)
Free Course
La COVID-19 se propage rapidement à travers le monde, et l’ensemble des personnels de santé doit être prêt à identifier, stabiliser et traiter les patients atteints de la nouvelle infection par le coronavirus. Après avoir effectué ce court programme, les médecins, infirmiers ou infirmières et autres professionnels de [...]

COVID-19: What You Need to Know (CME Eligible) (Coursera)

COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of infections and thousands of deaths, with many more anticipated. This course is a go-to resource that will be regularly updated with all of the current information put forth by the CDC, WHO, and other leading [...]

COVID-19 - A clinical update (Coursera)

Apr 26th 2024
COVID-19 - A clinical update (Coursera)
Course Auditing
As an expert in infectious diseases, editor of the Journal of Infectious Diseases and author of the textbook Infectious Diseases: A clinical short course, McGraw-Hill April 2020, I have been concerned about the misinformation being shared about the COVID-19 epidemic. How did this disease develop? Where did it come [...]

Formação sobre a COVID-19 para Profissionais de Saúde (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Formação sobre a COVID-19 para Profissionais de Saúde (Coursera)
Free Course
A COVID-19 está se espalhando rapidamente pelo mundo e todos os profissionais de saúde devem estar preparados para reconhecer, estabilizar e tratar pacientes infectados com o novo coronavírus. Após a conclusão deste curso de curta duração, médicos, enfermeiras e outros profissionais de saúde terão uma abordagem unificada e [...]

Manejo del enfermo semicrítico y crítico por COVID-19 (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Manejo del enfermo semicrítico y crítico por COVID-19 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Después de realizar este curso serás capaz de conocer los elementos clave del abordaje del paciente crítico y semicrítico por COVID-19, basados en la evidencia científica disponible y que puedan ayudarte en la toma de decisiones clínicas. Curso dirigido a los profesionales de medicina y enfermería, con conocimientos básicos [...]

Health, Society, and Wellness in COVID-19 Times (Coursera)

You may be encountering a world unlike any other generation. The public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has created a context of pervasive uncertainty, heightened anxiety, and social isolation that overlaps with a critical time of your own learning and development. The COVID-19 pandemic also has exacerbated long-standing [...]

Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out (Coursera)

This free Teach-Out is for anyone who has been curious about how we identify and measure outbreaks like the COVID-19 epidemic and wants to understand the epidemiology of these infections. The COVID-19 epidemic has made many people want to understand the science behind pressing questions like: "How many people [...]

Bioseguridad y equipo de protección para la prevención de COVID-19 (edX)

Self Paced
Bioseguridad y equipo de protección para la prevención de COVID-19 (edX)
Course Auditing
Aprende sobre la aplicaciòn de las normas internacionales de bioseguridad que garantizan un entorno laboral seguro. Seleccionando y usando correctamente el equipo de protecciòn personal para prevenir el COVID-19 u otra enfermedad infecciosa.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing For Nursing Professionals (Coursera)

Covid-19 Contact Tracing For Nursing Professionals was created for anyone who wants a certificate in Contact Tracing and especially for RN's who would like to obtain 10 CEU credits from The Texas Nurses Association. This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited [...]