Healthy Ageing

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Healthy Aging and the Future of Cannabis Research (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Healthy Aging and the Future of Cannabis Research (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This Healthy Aging and Future of Cannabis Research course is designed to have you think critically about the health effects of cannabis (i.e., marijuana) in the context of inflammation, exercise, and aging. You'll learn how inflammation and the microbiome may be related to the disorders discussed in class, and [...]

Nutrition for Healthy Ageing (edX)

Feb 20th 2024
Nutrition for Healthy Ageing (edX)
Course Auditing
What you eat and how you live has a big impact on your physical and mental health. But can it also slow down ageing? Be empowered by the science behind diet and the ageing body. Join us and learn to take control of your ageing process!

CBT with Older People (FutureLearn)

Oct 17th 2022
CBT with Older People (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Understand the ageing process and the factors to consider when using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with older people. Enhance your knowledge of CBT and ageing, and how to use CBT with older people. This online course provides an efficient introduction to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with older people. You’ll [...]

Healthy Ageing: Concepts, Interventions, and Preparing for the Future (FutureLearn)

Oct 4th 2021
Healthy Ageing: Concepts, Interventions, and Preparing for the Future (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
The World Health Organisation's Decade of Healthy Ageing is underway. Discover how we can enjoy prolonged years of good health. Discover how to enable healthy ageing as life expectancy increases. Life expectancy is increasing. In the UK, the average person now lives to the age of 81, up from [...]

Cuidado al adulto mayor: una mirada al envejecimiento (edX)

Cree qué nuestra población se envejece a pasos agigantados? Aprenda sobre el envejecimiento y cómo cuidar al adulto mayor. Alguna vez se ha preguntado ¿Qué ocurre cuando envejecemos? o ¿Qué cuidados debemos brindarle al adulto mayor?

Healthy Aging with HIV (AME)

This Online Education Activity is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®). Welcome to the Healthy Aging with HIV edition of the Online Meeting Highlights. Here you will learn about the current screening and treatment guidelines in patients with [...]

Healthy Ageing in 6 Steps. Let your environment do the work. (edX)

Learn how to make healthy choices and adjustments to your lifestyle and environment to help you live a healthier, happier and longer life. Many health complaints, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or joint problems seem inescapable diseases of old-age, but originate mostly from our lifestyle. A lifestyle that is [...]