Design Research

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Co-design for All: doing co-design in practice (Coursera)

The Co-design for All course is a free online programme on how to put together a case study proposal using a co-design approach. It is aimed at anyone who is interested in learning about co-design methods and how to apply them in any real life scenario. By the end [...]

User Experience: Research & Prototyping (Coursera)

What makes for a great user experience? How can you consistently design experiences that work well, are easy to use and people want to use? This course will teach you the core process of experience design and how to effectively evaluate your work with the people for whom you are designing.

Design Research para Estratégia e Inovação (Coursera)

Nov 18th 2024
Design Research para Estratégia e Inovação (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Design Research para Estratégia e Inovação.Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre os principais elementos da Design Research (DR) aplicada à geração de inovação e estratégia. Tal método é fundamental para a criação de produtos, serviços e sistemas que atendam às necessidades humanas. No entanto, apesar de [...]

Introducing Metadesign (POK)

Introducing Metadesign aims to present the whole design process, covering phases, activities and tools, enabling students to “designing the design process”. The “Introducing Metadesign” stems from the need to transfer a methodology, a consolidated research practice able to support the design process. The design process is inextricably linked to [...]

Introduction to User Experience Design (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Introduction to User Experience Design (Skillshare)
Free Course
IUX Design is fun and challenges. Don't be afraid to ask questions early and often. This class is about how to think and make solutions to problems using the tools of UX Design. Some skills you will learn in this class are: how to write personas & user scenarios, [...]

Human-Centered Design: From Synthesis to Creative Ideas (OpenHPI)

Make sense of design research data, learn to frame a problem from a user's perspective, and generate lots of new ideas: This course will introduce you to the basics of design synthesis and brainstorming techniques.

Basics of Design Research (openSAP)

Self Paced
Basics of Design Research (openSAP)
Free Course
Before you start designing, get to know your user and what they need – join this free online course to learn how! To build a user interface that users enjoy using, you need to carry out field research to develop points of view. This course will provide you with [...]

Inspirations for Design - A Course on Human-Centered Research (openHPI)

Become a proficient explorer of the world around you and find inspirations that may lead to human-centered design solutions. This course will introduce you to crucial methods in design research, which will help you to discover inspirations for innovative solutions. We take a task-based approach to build your competencies [...]

Design Research: Needfinding & Feedback (Coursera)

What problem should you be working on? Finding a big problem to solve can help you find opportunities to make a big impact through design. Starting at the beginning of the design process, you’ll discover strategies for creatively brainstorming problems to work on and challenges to address. You’ll learn [...]