is an innovative online learning platform developed and operated by the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering (HPI) based in Potsdam, Germany. was launched at the IT fair CeBIT in Hanover in March 2015 and is technically based on the innovative and mature online learning platform openHPI. On openHPI the Hasso Plattner Institute is successfully offering its own online courses about introductory and advanced IT topics since 2012.

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Rationale Antibiotikatherapie in der hausärztlichen Versorgung (mooc house)

Dieser Kurs ist im Rahmen eines One-Health-Projektes zum rationalen Antibiotikaeinsatz entstanden. Der 4-wöchige Kurs richtet sich primär an Ärztinnen und Ärzte in der hausärztlichen Versorgung. Nach einer kurzen Einführung erwartet Sie in der ersten Woche unter anderem die Epidemiologie ausgewählter multiresistenter Erreger, sowie Videobeiträge zum ambulanten Antibiotikaverbrauch. In der [...]

Smart Service Welt (mooc house)

Self Paced
Smart Service Welt (mooc house)
Free Course
Mit Industrie 4.0 wurde der Schritt in Deutschland unternommen, die digitale Transformation in der Produktion voranzutreiben. Aktivitäten im Bereich der Industrie 4.0 sind jedoch nicht ausreichend, um die branchenübergreifende und service-orientierte Digitalisierung von Wertschöpfungsketten zu beschleunigen. Unsere Gesellschaft produziert bereits heute gigantische Datenmengen, die für innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen [...]

Intrapreneurship - Make your Business great again (mooc house)

Self Paced
Intrapreneurship - Make your Business great again (mooc house)
Free Course
You enjoy working in a company, but you miss the pioneering spirit? Do you have a great business idea, but you do not dare to take the risk alone and leave your current job? Do you see business opportunities at your workplace, but you do not know how to [...]

How to simplify your process execution with Signavio Workflow Accelerator (mooc house)

Designed for workflow modelers, our objective is to teach you firstly the theoretical basics of workflow management, and secondly how you can begin modeling and automating workflows in Signavio Workflow Accelerator yourself. Through animations, tutorial videos, and a practical exercise, you will strengthen your knowledge and gain experience using [...]

Modeling Business Processes with BPMN (mooc house)

Self Paced
Modeling Business Processes with BPMN (mooc house)
Free Course
BPMN 2.0 is a graphical language which allows organizations to ‘map’ out their operations so everyone can read and follow what is going on. It also allows modelers to make clear dependencies and links with other maps, giving a holistic, transparent view of how inputs are transformed into outputs [...]

Introduction to Business Decision Modeling with DMN (mooc house)

Business Decision Management (BDM) is designed to enable operational decisions to be managed in a standardized, consistent, and transparent way. BDM acts as your business’ compass as you navigate value creation, calibrating operational decisions for consistency. In this course you will learn what DMN is, and how to read, [...]