Why Move Towards Cleaner Power (edX)

Why Move Towards Cleaner Power (edX)
Course Auditing

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Why Move Towards Cleaner Power (edX)
Learn why we need to clean up our power supply, and why is it urgent that we take action now. Gain the tools you need to present arguments in favour of a cleaner power sector in your part of the world. This course looks at how increasing greenhouse gases are warming the climate and what it means to decarbonise - reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of - the power sector. It will also provide a range of arguments in favour of decarbonisation, including consideration of ease of access to a secure and affordable energy supply and improvements to health and the environment.

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This course gathers together information about these different motivating factors for building a lower carbon power sector in one place, and includes a careful consideration of the importance of the political context. This course will challenge you to critically analyse your own political context.

We would welcome advisors to senior decision makers in government, civil society activists and others interested in understanding and promoting renewable electricity to take this course. This course will help you develop a better understanding of the different dimensions of a move towards a cleaner power sector and develop more nuanced and detailed arguments.

This course is part of the Clean Power Professional Certificate.

What you'll learn

- Improved understanding of the key drivers behind decarbonising the economy in general and the power sector in particular; including an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of action

- Empowerment to make decisions and develop policies that deliver a low-carbon power system that is relevant to their local context.

- Enabling presentation of the arguments in favour of their approach confidently, and relevant to their local circumstances.

- Preparation for a more detailed course on the policies needed to support a low-carbon power sector.


Introduction: Why Decarbonise?

Module 1: Political Economy

Shane Tomlinson, Director, E3G

Module 2: Climate Change

Professor Joanna Haigh, Co-Director, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London

Module 3: Energy Policy

Professor Richard Green, Professor of Sustainable Energy Business, Imperial College London

Module 4: Energy Access

Dr Clementine Chambon, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Oorja; Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Imperial College London

Module 5: Climate Change And Health

Dr Kris Murray, Lecturer, School of Public Health, Imperial College London

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