Supply Market Analysis (Coursera)

Supply Market Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing

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Supply Market Analysis (Coursera)
In this course you will learn some tools to evaluate supply markets from a Strategic level (e.g. Macro) (PESTLE) to Tactical level (e.g. Industry) (Supply Market Segmentation, Five Forces, Supply Chain Mapping) to Operational Level (Supplier) (Informational Sources, SWOT, Financial Analysis)

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A total of seven "proven" tools will be provided.

All of these tools will help you develop the right strategies, reduce risks, and make the "right" supplier decisions.

Required reading, supplemental videos and a required case with a Peer Group Assessment will help you increase your learnings.

What You Will Learn

- L​earn & understand various tools and techniques to evaluate supply markets from three levels: Macro, Tactical, and Operational/Supplier level

- M​acro Level: PESTLE

- Tactical Level: Supply Market Segmentation, 5-Forces Analysis, and Supply Chain Mapping

- O​perational/Supplier Level: Key Information Sources, SWOT, and Financial Analysis

Course 5 of 7 in the Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization.


WEEK 1: Welcome & Macro Level

WEEK 2: Industry Level

WEEK 3: Supplier Level

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
33.00 EUR/month

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