Guided Project: Create Engaging Reports using Jupyter Book (edX)

Guided Project: Create Engaging Reports using Jupyter Book (edX)
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Access to a web browser. Basic knowledge of shell commands (optional)

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Guided Project: Create Engaging Reports using Jupyter Book (edX)
Sharing information from native Jupyter files is not an easy task. In under an hour, learn how to create computational, visually engaging, and interactive reports using Jupyter Book easily.

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Jupyter Notebook is a popular, streamlined application for analyzing data and creating data science projects. However, developers often experience difficulty when attempting to share the files created on Jupyter Notebook.

Jupyter Book is a powerful tool you can use to build widely shareable, interactive HTML documentation, including interactive visualizations in books using data from your Jupyter Notebook projects.

You will learn how to build, customize, and share your first Jupyter Book in under an hour. You will also learn how to display LaTex block style math, display Plotly plots, and exclude certain files from the final build. Completing this project will provide you with practical experience and provide you with fundamental Jupyter Book skills.

Ready to start? We have a workspace waiting for you. Get started fast using a pre-configured cloud-based IDE lab environment. You’ll find all the required software needed to get started, such as Jupyter Book, preinstalled. All you need is a recent version of a modern web browser.

What you'll learn

After completing this project, you'll be able to:

- List use cases for Jupyter Book.

- Explain Jupyter Book setup.

- Build your own Jupyter Book.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
Access to a web browser. Basic knowledge of shell commands (optional)

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.