A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organizations (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Health Care Delivery in Healthcare Organizations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever needed health care and thought that there must be better ways to get or deliver health care? For example, have you found yourself thinking that there should be a way to get a diagnostic test or treatment at home? Or do you work in a healthcare [...]

Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics (Coursera)

There’s a songwriter lurking somewhere inside you, peeking around corners, wondering if it’s safe to come out. Now it is. This course is an invitation to let your inner songwriter step into the sunlight. All it takes is a simple “yes” and you’ll be climbing that windy hill, marveling [...]

Marketing Science e Estratégia de Marketing (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Marketing Science e Estratégia de Marketing. Neste curso, você terá uma visão geral de marketing estratégico e como o uso da ciência de marketing pode ajudar na tomada de decisão organizacional. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de compreender o papel dos dados na [...]

Movements Are Controlled By Muscle Forces (Coursera)

Movements Are Controlled By Muscle Forces is the first course of the specialization "Science of Movement". In this course, we will delve into the mechanisms by which our nervous system communicates with our muscles, allowing us to perform a wide range of coordinated movements with precision. Whether you are [...]

Comparative Health Systems (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Comparative Health Systems (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course uses comparative analysis of health care systems to gain a better understanding of health care systems in several high-income, middle-income and low-income countries. One focus of analysis in this course will therefore be to develop a better knowledge of these health care systems. A second focus will [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise (Coursera)

Enterprises that seek to become proficient in advanced manufacturing must incorporate manufacturing management tools and integrate data throughout the supply chain to be successful. This course will make students aware of what a digitally connected enterprise is, as they learn about the operational complexity of enterprises, business process optimization [...]

Advanced Manufacturing Process Analysis (Coursera)

Extreme variability is a fact of life in manufacturing environments, impacting product quality and yield. Through this course, students will learn why performing advanced analysis of manufacturing processes is integral for diagnosing and correcting operational flaws in order to improve yields and reduce costs. Gain insights into the best [...]

Advanced Neurobiology I (Coursera)

Hello everyone! Welcome to advanced neurobiology! Neuroscience is a wonderful branch of science on how our brain perceives the external world, how our brain thinks, how our brain responds to the outside of the world, and how during disease or aging the neuronal connections deteriorate. We’re trying to understand [...]

Advanced Neurobiology II (Coursera)

Hello everyone! Welcome to advanced neurobiology! Neuroscience is a wonderful branch of science on how our brain perceives the external world, how our brain thinks, how our brain responds to the outside of the world, and how during disease or aging the neuronal connections deteriorate. We’re trying to understand [...]

Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python (Coursera)

The practice of investment management has been transformed in recent years by computational methods. Instead of merely explaining the science, we help you build on that foundation in a practical manner, with an emphasis on the hands-on implementation of those ideas in the Python programming language. In this course, [...]